Welcome to my digital kitchen!

Hi, I am Svetlana Osipova. I am a teacher, a learning experience designer, and a curious explorer of digital worlds. I like to break barriers and build bridges between people, institutions and systems. After years of watching learning trends, I have concluded that learning experience design (LXD) can be the term that will unite edtech specialists, learning and development professionals, teachers, trainers, instructional designers, folks from the fields of mobile learning and eLearning, and even self-starting learners.
My perspective and beliefs stems from my experience in a variety of domains. I have been a secondary school teacher, a virtual instructor, a corporate trainer, a digital marketing specialist for medical technology and software development companies, and an edupreneur. Currently, I am trying to make learners happier in my online school English Clicks while helping individuals and organisations educate and upskill their staff and customers at Cyberia Learning.
My journey as a learning designer started in 2009 when I got an MA in Digital Technologies, Communication, and Education. The programme equipped me with the strong knowledge and skills in instructional design, evaluation of educational software and use of emerging technologies for teaching and learning. Since then, this journey has been becoming more and more exciting with the appearance of new tools and opportunities.
So, the purpose of this blog is to create a one-stop place for me and, hopefully, for other educators who would like to explore how to design learning experiences that are effective, efficient and satisfying, to monitor latest trends and rediscover timeless learning theories, to apply user experience design principles and contribute to educational technology advances, to collect tools and curate ideas, to learn and share.